ノネコによって,在来種が毎年15億頭の数姿を消し 80種が絶滅危惧種または絶滅の恐れ
オーストラリアのニューサウスウェールズ州が、ノネコの個体数調節のために狙撃手で構成された駆除チームを結成したと、14日(現地時間)外国メディアが報じた。 ガーディアンやオーストラリアのABCなどは、ニューサウスウェールズ州政府がノネコ専門の駆除チームを設置したと報じた。 専門の狙撃手5人で構成された駆除チームは、州西部全域の国立公園でノネコの個体数を調節する役割を担当する。オーストラリアの全地域でノネコの狩猟は合法だが、州政府が専門チームまで設けたのは今回が初めて。
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Shooters to target feral cats in NSW national parks amid boom in population
Species Council says 5 million native mammals, birds, reptiles and
frogs are killed by feral and roaming pet cats a day in Australia.
A five-person team of expert shooters will soon target feral cats in New South Wales national parks as the state steps up efforts to control the pest animals.
The intensive ground operation is being deployed in response to increased cat numbers, according to National Parks and Wildlife Service deputy secretary, Atticus Fleming.
“Intensive, well-targeted ground shooting operations will now be part of an enhanced strategy including trials of cat baits, deployment of innovative cat traps, establishing large feral-cat free areas and exploring genetic controls,” he said in a statement.
In short:
The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has launched its first-ever dedicated feral cat control team.
Feral cats are the cause of an estimated 1.5 billion native animal deaths per year Australia-wide.
What's next?
The new teams will be based in either Dubbo, Bourke or Broken Hill.
The Latest Australian “Threat Abatement Plan” for Cats
April 014, 2024 By Andrew Rowan, DPhil