


ノネコによって毎年15億匹が姿を消し 80種が絶滅危惧種または絶滅の恐れ


 オーストラリアのニューサウスウェールズ州が、ノネコの個体数調節のために狙撃手で構成された駆除チームを結成したと、14日(現地時間)外国メディアが報じた。  ガーディアンやオーストラリアのABCなどは、ニューサウスウェールズ州政府がノネコ専門の駆除チームを設置したと報じた。  専門の狙撃手5人で構成された駆除チームは、州西部全域の国立公園でノネコの個体数を調節する役割を担当する。オーストラリアの全地域でノネコの狩猟は合法だが、州政府が専門チームまで設けたのは今回が初めて。



The Gurdian int

Mon 14 Oct 2024 02.44 BST

Shooters to target feral cats in NSW national parks amid boom in population

Invasive Species Council says 5 million native mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs are killed by feral and roaming pet cats a day in Australia.

A five-person team of expert shooters will soon target feral cats in New South Wales national parks as the state steps up efforts to control the pest animals.

The intensive ground operation is being deployed in response to increased cat numbers, according to National Parks and Wildlife Service deputy secretary, Atticus Fleming.

“Intensive, well-targeted ground shooting operations will now be part of an enhanced strategy including trials of cat baits, deployment of innovative cat traps, establishing large feral-cat free areas and exploring genetic controls,” he said in a statement.




Feral cats to be culled by specialist ground shooting team in NSW national parks
ABC net Mon 14 Oct

In short:

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has launched its first-ever dedicated feral cat control team.

Feral cats are the cause of an estimated 1.5 billion native animal deaths per year Australia-wide.

What's next?

The new teams will be based in either Dubbo, Bourke or Broken Hill.




The Latest Australian “Threat Abatement Plan” for Cats

April 014, 2024 
By Andrew Rowan, DPhil

Following the release on September 4, 2023, of a report by IPBES on the adverse impact of invasive alien species on global biodiversity, the Australian Government announced that it was again “declaring war” on cats (the Government declared war on cats in 2015, pledging to kill two million feral cats and develop various other programs and projects to protect native wildlife from cat predation). This latest Threat Abatement Plan for cats was reportedly produced after extensive consultation. However, the Australian RSPCA noted that the Taskforce on Invasive Species (of which the RSPCA is a member) only learned about the new plan on the day it was released. Meanwhile, the Invasive Species Council complained that the 2015 “war on cats” was never adequately funded and recommended greater government support for this new “war.”

Federal government declares 'war' on feral cats with new action plan open for feedback

By Patrick Bell
Thu 7 Sep 2023


【論文・報道】「人新世 Anthropocene」の開始時期は「1952年」,地質学的な証拠を用いた地球に与えた人間活動の影響が急速に増加した時期


「人新世 Anthropocene」の開始時期は「1952年」,地質学的な証拠を用いた地球に与えた人間活動の影響が急速に増加した時期



朝日新聞デジタル 桜井林太郎











Toward defining the Anthropocene onset using a rapid increase in anthropogenic fingerprints in global geological archives

Edited by Carl Folke, Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm, Sweden; received August 15, 2023; accepted August 2, 2024
September 23, 2024121 (41) e2313098121



In the context of the Anthropocene, identifying the precise moment at which the consequences of fundamental human-induced changes in the Earth system first appear on the planet remains a long-standing challenge. This is due to the lack of a clear stratigraphic marker for the start date, as human impacts on Earth’s environments are significantly time-transgressive and spatiotemporally variable. Our study revealed that the number of anthropogenic fingerprints in global strata began to increase abruptly from 1952 ± 3 CE. This signal may reflect the onset of key human-induced changes in the Earth system, providing unambiguous stratigraphic evidence. This unprecedented synchronous increase has potential significance for defining the start of the Anthropocene in the future.

【報道】アライグマ100頭が家を包囲 35年前から餌付け→急増 米西部 | 毎日新聞 2024/10/12 07:20(最終更新 10/14 14:55)

  【報道】アライグマ100頭が家を包囲 35年前から餌付け→急増 米西部 |






The Guardian


More than 100 raccoons besiege house of woman who had been feeding them

The woman, who has not been named, near Poulsbo, Washington, called the county sheriff, who sent deputies


Feeding wild raccoons around her home had seemed harmless enough, if odd, for one woman in the north-west for 35 years – until about 100 of them surrounded her home and demanded food.

The woman, who has not been named, was essentially trapped in her home near Poulsbo, Washington, and scared as the animals can be aggressive. She called the sheriff’s office, saying the raccoons were around her place day and night after their population “exploded” about six weeks ago.