


地元住民の抗議の声も… プエルトリコの歴史地区に暮らす約200匹の野良猫、当局が駆除へ(海外)





Feral cats have taken over Puerto Rico's Old San Juan. But residents are rolling their eyes at a plan to remove them.


  • Feral cats have long been a part of the landscape in the historic areas of Old San Juan.
  • But the National Park Service is forging ahead with a plan to remove the cats.
  • The advocacy organization Alley Cat Allies in March sued the park service over the plan.



San Juan National Historic Site, Puert Rico

National Park Service


Walk Into 500 Years of History

San Juan National Historic Site preserves stories of great ambition and aspirations. Countries fought for control of this tiny yet strategic island for centuries. Generations of soldiers have lived and worked within the forts. Visitors today are as inspired by these stories as they are by the beauty of the architecture and the ingenuity of design and engineering of this World Heritage Site. 


2 日前For generations, feral cats have wandered the historic Old San Juan neighborhood in San Juan, Puerto Rico — attracting their share of local ...
3 日前Stray cats have long wandered through the Old San Juan neighborhood of Puerto Rico. But the US government wants them removed.
3 日前A federal plan to remove feral cats from a historic site in Puerto Rico's capital has upset some residents, who are also feeling pushed out ...
2024/01/10The decision "concludes a long planning process that will help us with management of free ranging cats and their abandonment at the park," said ...
2024/03/28Activists say plan to remove felines around Old San Juan fortress within six months is not enough time and worry cats will be killed.
2024/03/27The agency has said removing the cats is necessary to protect visitors and natural wildlife in the San Juan National Historic Site, a Spanish ...
2023/11/28Officials say that hundreds of stray cats that roam a historic seaside tourist area of Puerto Rico's capital will be removed over the coming ...
2023/12/06The US National Park Service plans to remove over 200 stray cats in the historic district of San Juan Puerto Rico much to the dismay of ...






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Feral cats ate critically endangered baby crocodiles in Cuba, study suggests

Two biologists say 145 young Cuban crocodiles that were taken by predators in fall 2022 were killed by feral cats.



Etiam Pérez-Fleitas, and Gustavo Sosa Rodríguez. 2024. Feral cats, a new threat to the Cuban Crocodile, Crocodylus rhombifer Cuvier, 1807 in Cuba? . Herpetology Notes, volume 17: 225-227 (2024) 
